The Virginia ABC will assess a regulatory scheme for liquid nicotine, with the consultation of stakeholders, and issue a report and recommendations.

Reviewing, analyzing, and navigating compliance, enforcement, investigation, and litigation developments and trends in the state and federal regulatory landscape
The Virginia ABC will assess a regulatory scheme for liquid nicotine, with the consultation of stakeholders, and issue a report and recommendations.
FDA’s approach to a premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) raises new questions about whether its marketing denial order was arbitrary and capricious and whether the deliberative-process exemption justifies its withholding of related records. The Agency’s approach is partially documented in a memorandum that FDA disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, and there is pending litigation over other records that FDA continues to withhold.
The FTC and six states allege violations of the FTC Act and various state statutes, prohibiting deceptive trade practices (state UDAP statutes) at a cost of over $27 million to consumers.
Roomster Corp. (Roomster) operates a website and app that can be used, in exchange for payment, to find and connect with roommates or rooms/properties…
In determining whether the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits a state’s taxation of a remote seller, the U.S. Supreme Court for decades has upheld a tax if (1) there is a substantial nexus between the taxing state and the taxpayer; (2) the tax is fairly apportioned; (3) the tax does not discriminate against…
With the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary raising concerns over agencies’ FOIA compliance, the U.S. Department of Justice has responded with FOIA guidelines and related testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.
The past two months have seen Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)…
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