In the sixth episode of our 12 Days of Regulatory Insights podcast series, Lane Page is joined by Mike Yaghi, a partner in the firm’s Regulatory Investigations, Strategy + Enforcement (RISE) practice, and Chris Willis, co-leader of the firm’s Consumer Financial Services Regulatory practice, to discuss the anticipated changes in federal and state oversight and enforcement within the consumer financial services industry.

In this episode, Chris Carlson, an associate in the Regulatory, Investigations, Strategy and Enforcement (RISE) practice, joins Brooke and Chris to discuss how federal and state regulators are collaborating on consumer protection investigations. The team discusses a recent order and action against an Arizona-based auto dealer for multiple Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices (UDAP) violations. While contemplating whether this is a growing trend, the trio meanders into discussions about the CARS Rule and the potential impact of November’s election on the industry.