Missouri’s attorney general (AG) announced on X.com (formerly Twitter) that he is “issuing a rule requiring Big Tech to guarantee algorithmic choice for social media users.” [X.com post (January 17, 2025, roughly 3:35 p.m. EST)] He intends to use his authority “under consumer protection law,” known as the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act in that state
Jeff Johnson
Jeff helps clients navigate complex regulatory and litigation challenges with local, state, and federal authorities. When advising clients, he brings a decade of experience litigating complex commercial and public law matters to bear, whether in the trial court or the Supreme Court. His understanding of emerging regulatory issues and strong relationships with attorneys general nationwide create added value to resolve client concerns.
Missouri Governor’s Efforts to Ban Unregulated Psychoactive Cannabis Products Meets Resistance
On August 1, Missouri Governor Michael Parson issued Executive Order 24-10 (the EO), a bold move aimed at addressing consumer safety concerns surrounding unregulated psychoactive cannabis products. The EO sparked a legal battle with the Missouri Hemp Trade Association (MO Hemp), which claims that by designating these products as adulterated and imposing an embargo under the EO, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) violated Missouri law. The governor’s action is yet another example of a state taking aggressive steps to address gaps left by the lack of federal regulations to ensure consumer safety in the burgeoning industrial hemp industry.
Troutman Pepper Welcomes Former Missouri Deputy Solicitor General
Jeff Johnson, former deputy solicitor general in the Missouri attorney general’s (AG) office, has joined Troutman Pepper’s Regulatory Investigations, Strategy + Enforcement (RISE) practice and nationally recognized State AG team.